A collection of songs, a learning experience. Sowing seeds for future growth. The formation of a live band and new horizons for music creation.
Click on the song name to go to Bandcamp to read lyrics.

This track was originally called KPOP. It was inspired by insane stadium Kpop rock that can be extremely shreddy. The lyrics reflect the name change. It is about being too tired to keep recording :3
It started as a demo first for a video. Drums and Bass, then percussion, guitar and then the rest of the instruments.
For the album version it was the first song recorded with Jordan H on the drums and Daniel on the bass. Jordan B was added on later playing vibraphone. Alex was added on later playing flute.
This song does not have a demo. After I had finished writing it was recorded with Jordan H on drums and a scratch guitar part. Jordan B was added on later playing vibes and marimba. Alex was added on later playing flute. The vocals, bell part (looks strange in video) and I believe even the guitar were replaced later on.
I have a split screen video with a rough lead vocal part and a video of the end solo being tracked.
This song is about having to work a job to live (at least currently in my life lol).
This was also a spur of the moment type creation. It started as a demo with nylon guitar, drums, electric bass and vocals. It's called test3 on my computer.
The demo is largely unfinished but served as the basis to teach to a full band. It was in this track the potential of live arrangements(as opposed to multi-tracking everything yourself) really started to blossom.
Dreamer demo
In another moment was a song written before the recording process. It started off as a multi-tracked demo before then being re-recorded with Jordan on the drums. The rest of the parts were then added on.
This song is about how honesty towards yourself breeds the most respect towards others and will help faciliate an easier life.
This song was written beforehand and mostly complete. It was recorded in this mode just for fun and served as a great tool for teaching.
The song is about not taking yourself too seriously to allow room for positive growth through the benefit of the doubt. It is necessary for me to remind myself about the carefree nature of music.
I later recorded a new version.
The video I have of this is the same parts that exist in the final version of the song with the exception of the lead vocal parts and other parts that were not filmed.
When I first started making these videos (including this one) I used iMovie as the editor. It was a destructive editing process where I couldn't really change what I added once it was there. The result are these hacked together videos but many are missing video sections.
Stay true to yourself and work hard. Good things will come.
This track was recorded around the same time as track 5. However there was a 4-track cassette demo that existed as a basis for the recording.
This song was a great leap in recording learning and arranging and an encouraging feeling for live band potential. Case in point it is one of the most enjoyable songs to perform.
Like track 5, I don't have the video components for every recorded vocal part. :(
I made this song first on a Tascam 424 multi-track recorder. It records 4 channels onto cassette. I did this in my hometown of NY.
The song was later recorded in Atlanta in home studio.
Fitting that it was first recorded in my hometown as it is about being the eldest sibling but have my "shit together" the least.
Happiness is Timing cassette demo
Another 424 cassette demo was the inception of this track. I recorded one time again before recording it a 3rd time for the record. The 2nd time I recorded it was the first time I started recording video as well. By the last recording of it the structure was more solidified.
This song is about writing your own reality in the followthrough of your own actions.
Image has become for better or worse the new mode of legitimacy. This song was written in an expression to that idea and how it can make one feel like a hypocrite or phony if you are too focused on substance or on image.
I wrote this song before starting the recording process. There was one demo before the album version and both were multi-tracked by yours truly. The video version is first demo.
The name of this song refers to the 424 cassette recorder than a few of the Artifactory songs started on.
This track started with two acoustic guitars and a bass on 4-track cassette. I built the rest of the song around that recording. I have included the original demo to hear what the backbone for the arrangement was.
It is about how many more cassette demos will remain silent to the ears of time? We may never know.
Tape Seed backbone